I will endeavour to provide a service for the hours and times that I have been contracted to work. However, very occasionally it may be necessary to close my childminding service. This may be as a result of me being unwell and therefore unable to work. Please see my Sickness Policy. There may be other occasions when I am unable to provide a service, for example:
- Following emergency evacuation of my premises
- Loss of power to my home
- Mains water turned off
- Heating broken
- Gas leak
- Flooding
- Medical emergency for myself or a member of my immediate family
- Death within the family
I will advise parents as soon as I can if I am unable to provide a service. I will work with parents where possible to find temporary emergency childcare from my back-up childminders who are known to the child until I can offer a normal service. I will make no charge if I am unable to provide a service.
I may be able to provide a limited service from a fellow childminders home during some of the above situations. However, I would discuss any alternative arrangements with each individual parent/carer.
Policy created- 14.1.18
Reviewed date- 1.1.2022