I feel it is necessary to have a procedure in place on what to do in the event of a terrorist attack or a national disaster.
The care and security I provide to your child is paramount. As an Ofsted Registered Childminder, I will do everything within my powers to protect, comfort and support your child in the event of a major incident, National Emergency or Terrorist Attack.
If we are involved or caught up in the incident I will comply fully with the instructions from the emergency services and constantly reassure the children in my care.
If you are caught up in an incident I will continue to look after your child until you are able to return or a person nominated is able to collect them.
I understand that during major incidents the mobile phone networks are often not available and even landlines can be cancelled to free up communication systems for the emergency services. I will however attempt to contact you on a regular basis and ask that you try to do the same. I will keep up to date on the situation using any media source available to me, radio, television, Internet etc. I will endeavour to protect your child from information or images that may alarm or distress them. If you wish we can have a pre-planned excuse that I can use to explain your delay in arriving.
I hope that I never have the need to put this procedure into practice but am happy to discuss with you any aspects of this policy.
Policy Created 11.2.18
Review Date 1.1.2022