When taking children on outings it is essential that proper planning is done to ensure the safety and welfare of all children involved.
I will consider adult to child ratios when assessing outings.
I obtain written parental permission for all routine and special outings. I inform parents of any planned special trips for example to the zoo or a local farm.
I ensure that I take with me everything I may need these include:- emergency contact cards for the children, First Aid Kit, Hi-Viz jackets, coat; cardigan; sun hat; sun cream; wellies; shoes; a description of what your child is wearing; nappies; wipes; changing bag (if required); spare clothes; mobile phone; drinks; a healthy snack; clear directions to our destination; full tank of petrol in car; RAC membership; and money.
When I go on an outing in a car I always try to ensure that I travel in convoy with another registered childminder. I go to familiar places and put into place strategic plans to avoid crowds and loss of control. For example at the zoo, if the children want to go and have a play in the park then we go whilst the sea lion show is on as we have found the park to be practically empty at this time.
Whilst we are walking to a different destination the other childminder will be at the front, then the children will follow in pairs holding hands and I shall be at the back. This way we can keep track of all the children at all times.
I have developed plans on what to do in the event of an emergency. I always carry a card on me that explains I am a registered childminder with all the emergency contact details for the children’s parents. I have also programmed ICE into my mobile telephone.
I will endeavour to organise outings to fit in with the needs of the children, and ensure that I have the necessary equipment and resources to keep them safe. These include car seats for all children up to 4 feet 5 inches tall, pushchairs and harnesses. In all trips in the car I will ensure each child is securely strapped into their car seat and that the maximum number of passengers for the car is never exceeded.
I will ensure that the car is properly maintained with a current MOT certificate, Tax and Insurance. I will never leave your child unattended when out, especially in the car. However, when obtaining a parking ticket, I may leave the children in the car as walking across a car park could prove more hazardous than leaving the children in the car. If this happens, the children will be in sight at all times in accordance with the EYFS. I will endeavour to park as close to a ticket machine as possible in these situations or travel with another childminder who can stand by the car.
If I need to put more petrol in my car, I will do this only at a pay at the pump service station so the children are not left unattended.
Policy Created 11.2.18
Review Date 1.1.2022