As the government are ever changing guidance, please read the updated policy for our setting.
As the new variant seems to be rife at present, we are asking from Tuesday 4th January 2022 parents adhere to the 2-metre guidance when collecting or dropping of your children. Myself and Dale will be wearing masks only during these times not throughout the working day and would request as parents for you to wear a mask too, if you could use the playpen for bags and coats of children that are unable to carry them in themselves. Please remember to send clothes for children that attend school full time to get changed into when they arrive back, if its easier please drop a bag of older spare clothes at the beginning of the week to keep in their box so they don’t have to be remembered daily.
- If children develop any of the following symptoms such as a cough, temperature, loss of smell and taste, headache, sore throat, bad cold, runny nose and many others.
- Please can they be tested via a bookable PCR test. Please feel free to use one of the new LFT (whilst waiting for your result) nose only tests if the children’s symptoms are strong to enable me to let other parents know that have been in contact with your child for them to keep a close eye on their child to try to stop the spread.
- If your child tests negative, we are happy for them to attend, please provide photo evidence of a negative test for our records then they are fine if they are well enough to carry on with the day here and been clear of a temperature if that was the need for the test for 48 hours.
- If they tested positive, they are to isolate for 10 days from the onset of their symptoms.
- If anyone in your household tests positive whether that is yourselves as parents or one of your children, we would prefer that all occupants isolate from our setting. For some parents you are double /triple jabbed so no need to isolate other parents are not so you have to isolate but workplaces may require you to still attend but we feel that the spread is too risky to give it to other families that attend here and that also require other family members help them during the week that have a much weaker immune system and are classed as high risk. We are asking for this to be done as outlined below if myself, Dale or the girls test positive we have to close regardless so it seems fit that we wouldn’t want anyone in the setting from a household that has covid.
- On return we would ask for a lateral flow to be done to ensure that any of the children who may not have caught it don’t on the last few days before returning to the setting.
- If myself, Dale or the girls have symptoms we will follow everything that I have outlined above. This meaning that parents will be called to collect your child/ren if we develop symptoms during working hours or as much notice given if outside of working hours. If our children are sent home from school with symptoms again parents will be called to collect as with the number of children, we care for we can’t work alone whilst they are taken for a test. Please ensure all emergency contacts are up to date.
- If anyone of our household tests positive unfortunately we will have to close for a minimum of 10 days. I have sought advice from public health even though we are able to use the log cabin as we meet all the criteria such as the access of the cabin is separate from the house and has its own separate toilet (garage) so all children will be kept away from the house its self the door to the kitchen/house will remain locked so no access could be gained. Of course, using the log cabin would require Jemma to be available to work alongside our back up assistant Jackie, as Dale isn’t allowed to care for the children for the duration of the day. All this is dependent on how covid affects us as a family who would contract the virus first etc.
- This is why it is paramount to keep on top of all of the above as us having to close has a huge impact on so many families when hopefully if we catch it soon enough, we can limit the spread to other families.
We have trust in all our families that this is all common knowledge and you will support us in adhering to these covid rules for our setting to help protect my family and all the others that attend.